Meeting Minutes – November 2023


When: Wednesday, November 8, 2023 6:30PM-8:30PM
Where: Sun Lakes Country Club #1
Who: Approximately 90 people


  1. Linda Gorman led us in the Invocation.
  2. Chairman Michael Tennant led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
  3. CUSD: Kurt Rohrs introduced 3 candidates for the 3 open seats on the Chandler School Board: Eloyce
    Gillespie, Jenine Cortes, Carley Morgan. He recommended them as “conservative” and said we should vote for all 3 when the time comes. These candidates had petitions which were circulated around the room for signatures. He also told us that statistics show that under 60% of the children in school can read after 3rd grade. He said we should accept nothing less than 80% before we pass more increases in school funding. He said he will make sure he knows exactly where the money will be used when they ask for more funding for Chandler schools. In the past the board has put money into a type of “slush fund” and it just sat there unaccounted for. He will keep us informed as to whether we should vote “yes” or “no” on upcoming bond issues concerning school funding.
  4. Eddie Cook also spoke about his candidacy to run for reelection as County Assessor. He had a table set up in the back of the room and petitions circulating.
  5. Center for Arizona Policy: Carolyn McCorkle introduced Cathi Herrod who is the President of the Center for Arizona Policy (CAP).
    —Cathi spoke about the present laws on abortion. Presently after 15 weeks abortions are illegal in AZ. But there are many exceptions to this, mostly to do with health issues or other circumstances. She warned us about a a citizen’s initiative petition drive to change our AZ Constitution through a ballot proposition on the November 2024 ballot to make Abortion a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT. It would allow for abortions to be performed at any stage of pregnancy up to birth. This change would prevent ANY exceptions for medical care for women’s health and safety. For example, anyone (massage therapist, etc) could perform an abortion. The abortionist would not have to be a medical doctor. No exceptions for minor children, parental consent, or protection of the children’s health, etc. “IT GOES TOO FAR.” This proposed Constitutional Amendment is a LIE to voters that it just protects the right to abortion.
    —She also spoke about “School Choice” (ESA accounts/Educational School Accounts). So far there have been no ballot measures to repeal the ESAs.
    —She also is trying to repeal Prop 211 (passed in 2022) which made names of contributors to political campaigns who contribute $5K or above required to be made public. She says this jeopardizes private citizens privacy–one of our rights as citizens is to be able to have our vote remain private. It originally was pushed by Former AZ Attorney General Terry Goddard (democrat) who labeled it “The Right to Know Act”.
    —She told us about 2 bills in the legislature have been introduced that will attempt to protect the lives of babies who are born alive after an abortion. Senate Bills 1600 and 1366. 1600 would require medical staff to provide care for “born alive” babies and would allow felony charges and civil lawsuits for those who let the babies die unattended. 1366 would require doctors and nurses to inform all pregnant patients that they might qualify for assistance to help with the costs of pregnancy and delivery, that the child’s father is liable for child support, and that it’s illegal for anyone to coerce a patient into having an abortion. She says it is likely the bills will be vetoed by the ProChoice Democrat Governor Hobbs.
    —She also explained that in the last recent election Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio candidates who promoted “Pro Choice ” won their races and this who promoted “Pro Life” lost. This shows there are people who have made abortion the bedrock issue for how they vote. She says the Republican Party needs to make their reasons for being Pro Life clear and plain to voters because Pro Life candidates are being maligned in the media.
  6. If you are interested in Tucker Carlson’s podcast on the above abortion issue you can go to minute 6:26 at
    this link Just scroll down to “Reclaiming the Truth” 1.
  7. 50/50 Raffle: The raffle ($38) was won by Mike Hahn and he donated his winnings back to the club. Thank you Mike!
  8. The next gathering will be December 13 for the annual “SLRC Christmas Dinner Dance”. Tickets will be on sale until November 29th. See our website for more information: You can also sign up for our emails on our website.
  9. The next scheduled SLRC public meeting will be January 10, the second Wednesday in January 2024. Details to be announced.

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