Meeting Minutes – June 2024

Sun Lakes Republican Club Minutes
When : Wednesday June 12, 2024 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Where: Sun Lakes Country Club 1 / Navajo Room
Who: Approximately 100 people

  1. Micheal Tennant, the Chairman for SLRC, greeted the guests and led them in the Invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. The “theme” of the evening was “Speed Dating: Meet Your Local Candidates “. The plan was to have 7 large round table discussions taking place concurrently with the candidates rotating from table/group to table/ group every 15 minutes. After getting all attendees seated at the 7 tables, this would have worked perfectly had all the guest candidates attended. However two candidates did not attend and did not let is know ahead of time of their absence, which threw off the rotation and caused two groups at a time over the evening to have no candidate with which to interact. We were happy to have as participating candidates : Senator JD Mesnard, Jeff Weninger, Mark Stewart, State Representative Julie Willoughby, and Frank Milstead. The room acoustics were such that it was louder than “normal” which made it hard to hear for some of our attendees. As of this writing we have only received 2 complaints on these 2 issues from attendees (sound and lack of all 7 candidates
    attending). The candidates who were there, overall, liked the format. In general they said it gave them “face to face” contact with their constituents” and that “FaceTime” allowed the guests to ask them questions and clarify issues which they might not have asked under “normal” circumstances. The board will take all comments under consideration at the next executive board meeting and decide if we will be doing this again in the future.
  3. Election materials (yard signs, election buttons, handouts) were available to attendees.
  4. The winner of the 50/50 raffle won $65 .
  5. The next meeting of SLRC will be on Wednesday September 11, 2024 in the Navajo Room at Sun Lakes Country Club 1.
  6. We will be “dark” (ie, not meeting) in July & August due to vacation schedules. However we will send you informative emails over the summer.

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