Meeting Minutes – February 2022

Sun Lakes Republican Club February 9th Meeting

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When: Wednesday February 9, 2022 6:30 PM-8:30 PM
Where: Sun Lakes Country Club #1
Who: approximately 100 guests


  1. Chairman Michael Tennant led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Invocation.
  2. 1st Vice-Chairman Carolyn McCorkle greeted the first time visitors (approximately 15)
  3. Carolyn introduced our State Legislative Senator JD Mesnard for his monthly report.
  4. Sen. JD Mesnard comments:
    • Last day to introduce bills will be Feb. 18. After that it will be hearing the and voting on the bills and then getting them to the Governor to sign.
    • Redistricting: Our LD 17 will become LD 13 after the maps are approved. 90% of our district remains the same however more democrats are going to be included making the already competitive district more competitive.
    • There are many bills addressing improving vote integrity. One important one is to require voter ID on mail in ballots just as it is required when a voter goes to the polls to vote in person. A photo Voter ID would be provided for FREE to any who claim they can’t afford or get one.
    • He recommends getting signed up with AZ Free Enterprise to affect voter integrity legislation. The contact person is Lou Ann Sedgwick 480-735-9220 or go on line to sign up at
    • He told us we will be hearing about “repeal & replace to repeal Prop 208. The court is presently poised to declare it unconstitutional. He says this prop that passed is an example the unintended consequences for voter initiatives.
    • Budget: He said AZ has a $13B budget and $3B in reserves. This is an increase in the reserves even after the tax cuts that the “left” predicted would diminish the funds.
    • Covid: There are bills that have been introduced that are meant to protect the right of people to make personal decisions regarding their health. And these same bills would provide unemployment benefits for workers “let go” because of their choices. Presently the government is not allowing workers to collect unemployment or to access their 401K monies if they are let go. This is weaponizing the mandates and ruining lives of people who decide not to take the vaccines for whatever reasons.
    • There are bills that have been introduced to protect the rights of parents to know what their children are being taught in public schools, and to stop indoctrination going on in the schools.
  5. After JD’s talk, many candidates were introduced and had a few minutes to explain their stands on issues and to take questions from the audience. (Find out about each candidate by using the links)
    To sign petitions by internet and to donate as well, use this convenient link.
  6. The SLRC “Keynote Guest Speaker” this evening was Cathi Herrod, President of the Center for AZ Policy. She told us about many ways we are needed to get involved.
    • The Supreme Court is expected to decide on whether or not to reverse Rowe vs Wade. If it is reversed the States will be making the laws regarding abortion. The most recent thinking is that the fetus should be protected upon showing a heart beat (at approximately 5-6 weeks).
    • There are also issues which have to do with parental rights concerning their children medical records that need to be addressed and revised.
    • There are issues having to do with religious rights of parents and their children in the public schools that needs to be addressed and protected. These and other issues are on their website and you can get more information there and see how to get involved: and
  7. The 50/50 Raffle winner donated their winnings back to the club. These funds help SLRC pay for the room rental and for speaker honorariums, printing flyers and other operational costs.
  8. The club opened the sales for their annual GUN RAFFLE. The information about the gun is on the
    website here
  9. The next public meeting for SLRC will be on March 9th at the same venue.

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