Meeting Minutes – April 2023

Sun Lakes Republican Club Minutes
When: April 12, 2023 6:30-8:30
Where: Sun Lakes Country Club #1 Navajo Room
Who: approximately 100 guests


  1. Mike Tennant led the Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. The main speaker, Mike Broomhead, had to cancel because of a death of a good friend. He has rescheduled for Sept. 13th.
  3. Our first speaker, AZ State Senator JD Mesnard, spoke to us for an hour helping us to understand what happened at the state legislature that day and also about other issues affecting us. He told us that evidently Liz Harris was “expelled” from the House of Representatives for “lying” to an ethics committee investigation into election irregularities in the last election. She had invited a guest to speak and the guest proceeded to slander many politicians, both republican and democrat, and police and other people, accusing them of money laundering and saying that they were involved with the Mexican Cartel. She claimed that this involvement was one reason the border is so porous. The investigation which took place after this, was investigating into Liz Harris’ involvement in the accusations incident. Harris denied she knew what the guest was going to say and it turned up in the investigation through email/text evidence that she knew the guest was going to say and actually encouraged her to say it . Consequently the House met to decide what consequences would be vetted out to Liz Harris. Rather than removing her from the election committee or censuring her, they voted to “expel’ her. This procedure would normally requite a 2/3 vote but a 3/4 vote was recorded to expel her. Now the Legislative District from which she was elected (our District LD 13) has to submit 3 names for consideration to the Board of Supervisors and the BOS has to pick one of those 3 people to fill Liz Harris’ seat. The vote on those 3 names will take place Monday April 17 and the BOS will probably have a decision made by the end of the week or by the 25th. Then things in the House of Representatives will go back to normal. Presently the House is on hiatus until April 25th when they hope this will have been cleared up.

    After explaining the details, he allowed Q&A. After Q&A he went on to talk about several bills (43 at last count) that had been sent to Gov. Hobbs all of which were vetoed by Hobbs. Some of these bills had to do with election integrity, education and removing the tax on food. They are presently negotiating a budget . If the budget is not voted on and passed by July 31, the state will have to be “shut down”. We have seen this done in Congress before. We are hoping that doesn’t happen here. The main “sticking point” is on the school voucher program. Hobbs wants to get rid of “school choice”. The money used for the ESA’s (Education Savings Account) allows parents to send their students to the school of their choice. The logic is that the parents paid into the system and so they should be able to use the funds however they want. Hobbs wants to divert funds to pay for the college scholarships for illegal aliens, instead. 50,000 people have already applied for the ESA’s and/or are already using them.
  1. The next speaker was our Congressional representative to the House of Representatives in DC, Congressman Andy Biggs. He spoke on a long list of topics:
    • He said that presently the Freedom Caucus is introducing legislation to defund the Attorney General’s of NYC, Alvin Bragg.
    • The border is being over run and they new “app” for illegals (CVP1) will make it easier for illegals to apply for citizenship and be entered into the country. Even democrats in Congress admit that this is a huge mistake by the White House to have promoted this. Read more here.
    • The Secretary of the US Treasury wants to raise the debt ceiling again. Congressman Biggs has introduced a line item veto for 521 items in the budget to lower the budget rather than raise the debt ceiling.
    • The Chinese have warned the Japanese to stay inside as they shoot off missiles in a training drill. These missiles are designed to destroy US Forces. This is a way for them to threaten US Forces which are dedicated to protecting Taiwan if attacked by China. He says Taiwan is economically interconnected to China, just like Hong Kong was and just like we are allowing ourselves to be. He says China is aligning with Russia and Iran. Our own military resources are being spent on the war in the Ukraine and we would not be properly supplied if there was a war raged against us.
    • Biden is pushing to establish a digital currency.
    • Biden is using executive privilege to pass legislation to force citizens to buy green energy vehicles and get rid of gas ovens and cars.
    • CA is so poorly prepared that they dumped all the freshwater from the spring and winter rains into the ocean rather than to store it or share it with its western states neighbors. In 2 years he said Pinal County won’t have enough water to support their crops because CA will not let them have an increase from the CO River which they control.
    • The Congress needs to defund the World Health Organization (WHO).
    • His opinion is that things have gotten so bad so fast that we haven’t much hope in getting this “mess on all fronts” turned around other than prayer. He allowed Q&A after his talk.
  2. The 50/50 raffle was $75 and the winner donated the money back to the club.

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